Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Patriot or Killer?

The Child Labour

I presume I am a fool to go on living
To perceive the sights surrounding me
Labour – That’s what man is here for
The boy lifts the heavy pipes
Oblivious of Pain, ignorant of the rich
The gentleman’s elegant world, the luxury
For the boy, its vain
To contemplate on the beauty of life – if any
He will be where he is
Its futile – struggling
To keep himself alive
Its not worth it – this toil and labour
He won’t reach anywhere, accomplish nothing
Nobody can do anything for him
Nobody will
Except observe, stare at, and sympathize
Like me – who lives to see this agony?


Patriot or Killer?

You keep on hearing
The war to end all wars
But this will never end

History only consist of wars
We read history I am told
So that we don’t make
The same historical errors
Like our forefathers made

Have we learned anything?
There are still the Saddams and Bushes
The Kim II Sung, The Kim Jong II
There wouldn’t be a dearth
Of such persons in the future
As long as ego and greed exist
War will exist
People will continue to kill people
People will continue to slay people

In future if you want to exist
You’ve got to ask yourself
Whose side are you on?
You can’t be neutral
There is this possibility of getting caught
In the crossfire


When a bollywood star comes to their town or a bollywood movie is released, you will see hordes of jackasses congregate. You will, by no means find them asking “How the hell did Goldman Sach, the world’s most profitable investment bank got involved in creating the current financial mess?” In the meantime it is necessary for the Leftist to ‘glee and gloat’ that capitalism has failed.

While the financial chaos goes on, the man on the street blames the corporate pigs for the current state of affairs. He is of the firm belief that all private organizations should be handed over and run by the government.

Little does he comprehend, that he is proposing to pass the mantle from one system to another which is more bureaucratic, inefficient and incompetent.


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