Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Modern Day Slavery

• You navigate through existence and enter into nothingness. In between you sleep every night and that is probably what keeps you sane.


• One does not have to spend the rest of one’s life fearing hell or thinking about heaven if one does not believe that there is life after death. In any case just imagine how boring heaven would be!


• The Creature Man was created under mysterious circumstances.


• The so called proud working class is nothing but another form of modern day slavery. The working class is always overworked by their master; eight hours of daily labour does not seem to be enough; most of their time is spent in trying to afford enough food supply, shelter, and the necessaries and comforts of life, leaving them very little time to further their education or to indulge in leisure, amusement, sleep and a little vagaries of life.

The lowest and most degraded form of human existence is the experience when the individual has to toil, labour and be depended on others for wages to pay for food, shelter and the necessaries and comforts of life.


• The human race has no interest that everyone should be educated, fed, have access to medical facilities, or promote peace, well being, happiness to every man, woman and child regardless of their class, sect, colour, party or country.


• There are people who believe in flying saucers, in telepathy, in astrology, in the Bermuda Triangle, in reincarnations, in gods, in satan, in Vastu Shastras, in Feng Shui, in Falun Gong, in heaven and hell, in Raelism, in black magic, in ghosts-spirits-souls,. . . . . .
