Monday, January 04, 2010

Hand to mouth

To a man who lives from hand to mouth (and they are not in a minority group), the galaxy is useless and life, a big quandary. Galaxy to him is a matter of indifference. He wonders why he should wonder about something so insignificant, irrelevant, trivial and inconsequential.

What matters to him is how he can take his hand to his mouth.

What worries him is war, flood, pests, earthquake, famine, injustice, disparity, discrimination, poverty, misery, wretchedness and hunger

He wonders whether his prayers would be heard sympathetically in heaven. He hopes he hasn’t asked the creator too much!


Hardly anybody pays any attention
The world is too poor, too exhausted
Engulfed in poverty and exhaustion
No mother, no wife, no child, no family, no country
Absolutely alone, not a single friend
Lacking nationalistic fever
Uninfluenced by environment and personalities
Solving the problems of philosophy
Like the musician feeling flattered by loud applause
Little knowing the audience are deaf
For some men, egotism compensates the absence of fame


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