Monday, October 14, 2013

Yasujiro Ozu

Yasujirō Ozu
From Wikipedia :

Yasujirō Ozu (小津 安二郎 Ozu Yasujirō?, 12 December 1903 – 12 December 1963) was a Japanese film director and screenwriter. He began his career during the era of silent films. Ozu made fifty-three films: twenty-six in his first five years as a director, and all but three for the Shochiku studio. Ozu first made a number of short comedies, before turning to more serious themes in the 1930s.

Marriage and family, especially the relationships between the generations, are among the themes in his work. His outstanding works include Late Spring (1949), Early Summer (1951), Tokyo Story (1953), and Floating Weeds (1959). He made great use of elipsis, where many events are not depicted visually, and he also used a style of cinematography in which the camera rarely moves and is usually positioned below the eye level of the actors.

His reputation has continued to grow since his death, and he is widely regarded as one of the world's most influential directors.

Completed watching the following movies

{1931} - Tokyo.Chorus
{1932} - I.Was.Born.But.(1932)
{1934} - Ukikusa monogatari {A Story Of Floating Weeds}
{1935} - Tōkyō no yada {An Inn In Tokyo}
{1936} - Hitori Musuko {The Only Son}
{1941} - Todake no kyodai
{1942} - Chichi Ariki {There Was A Father}
{1948} - Kaze no naka no mendor {A Hen In the Wind}
{1949} - Banshun {Late Spring}
{1951} - Bakushū {Early Summer}
{1953} - Tôkyô monogatari [Tokyo Story]
{1956} - sōshun {Early Spring}
{1956} - Sōshun {Early Spring}
{1957} - Tōkyō boshoku {Tokyo Twilight}
{1958} - Equinox Flower (Higanbana)
{1959} - Ohayo {Good Morning}
{1959} - Ukigusa {Floating Weeds}
{1960} - Akibiyori {Late Autumn}
{1962} - An Autumn Afternoon (Sanma no aji) (1962)


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