Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What do you think?

I don’t know why we are here. However hard we try, we cannot enjoy ourselves. On one hand, in a one hand sweeping gesture, millions of US $ change hands, while on the other hand, we have people surviving for ages on starch and salt. I don’t think we are here to enjoy ourselves. How can you possible enjoy if you are not that dumb or selfish to look around and see the misery of life?

While in a new city if you move around in only the important streets, you don’t see much. A good traveler should get lost and find himself in those side streets. You will learn much.

Is death an event of life? Do we exist to experience death?

When I am infuriated or enraged, I stomp the ground or hit the table with my hand. But I don’t think that I believe that the ground is to be blamed or my beating the table would help in anything. All rituals and customs too don’t contribute to anything

Every morning I start my day with a lot of hope. By evening the day ends, in despair.

I wonder if one can bring in happiness if the medical care and systems is widely available, houses are affordable, music, cinema and food can be ordered in your house at a minimal affordable cost, traveling worldwide is made easy, childbirth is not fatal to mother and child, you don’t have to do what you boss tells you to do, you work only one day in a week. What do you think?

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