Monday, October 14, 2019


"Do it first, do it yourself, and keep on doin' it." These are the words of the protagonist in the film Scarface {1932} directed by Howard Hawks and co produced by Howard Hughes.

The film begins with the statement: “This picture is an indictment of gang rule in America and of the callous indifference of the government to this constantly increasing menace to our safety and our liberty”.

The World Is Yours” a flashing neon sign opposite the Protagonist apartment says it all – greed and the frenzy & quest to succeed at any cost, even killing other people. And like all rise, there is a fall, be it the Nazis or some Gangsters.

Excess desire for wealth and power leads to a spiral downfall.

The film was based on the 1930 novel Scarface by Armitage Trail. It showcases Chicago's Depression-Era exploitation, the  gangster era and the organized crime. The protagonist is loosely based on Al Capone, nicknamed the "Scarface").

Brian de Palma’s 1983 Scarface starring Al Pacino was a remake of this 1932 version.

By the way the Protagonist was Paul Muni considered as one of the most prestigious actor in that era at Warner Bros. studio. He was given the rare privilege of choosing which parts he wanted. 

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