Sunday, March 23, 2014

“Produce more – Consume more”

Why do human think that they can differentiate themselves as different species when they look at other animals? Is it that they stand tall and on their two legs? Even apes had that quality. Was it because he used tools to create and build? Or was it that he was aware of himself? Are animals aware of themselves? Or are they just aware of objects perhaps knowing that they can distinguish between one thing and the other?

Are we aware that we are aware of ourselves? Are we conscious that we are conscious of ourselves?

Maybe yes – and perhaps this consciousness of our existence differentiate us from other forms of animals.


The idea that we will have to die without ever having lived - is not a good idea.


Think about these two statements:
1. I love you because I need you.
2. I need you because I love you.


The crux of our existence: “Produce more – Consume more”


There in not only a physical presence of poverty, buy also the existence of mental and cultural poverty. There seems to be no interest in other people’s religion, group, clan, society, race, nation, etc., but only a deep self attachment. Its only ‘I-Me-Mine’. There is a lack of interest in the outside world. Rational judgments are distorted and the ugly head of fanaticism creeps in.

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