Sunday, January 09, 2011

Theory of Relativity

Most of us live a life of ignorance and surrender ourselves to feeble and childish beliefs.

I am an atheist, in and out. It did not take me long to realize and accept it. I have been an atheist now for so long that I don’t even remember when I first had this revelation. I never felt that it was intellectually unrespectable to blurt out that one was an atheist though it has to be admitted that the knowledge was assumed and one had no actual idea that god really did exist.

On one hand I don’t have the evidence to prove that god does not exist, on the other hand neither does anyone have any evidence that god exist.

In any case, with the passing of time and the adding of age, I guess it does not matter whether god exist or does not exist. To me today, it is a waste of time to even think about it.


Existence gives an impression that most of us don’t know what we want, until we see it. When we see Shah Rukh Khan advertise a certain Hyundai car, we want to possess it. When we see and hear a certain brand of speakers, we want to buy it. The list is long and never ending. In fact most of us don’t even know what we want to do with our lives until we see someone who is doing just what we think we should be doing.

It seems that we make our decisions based on comparison with others. Whether it is cars, TVs, speakers, jobs, houses, spouses, etc, out wants are compared with the wants of others. And it seems that we cannot help it!

The comparisons also extends to choosing a girlfriend or a spouse. When you go out for a date with a girl for the first time, the girl invariably ends up confused. This is because she does not have anyone to compare you with. So if you take a male friend with you who is slightly less good looking than you, the girl immediately seems to click with you. The girl seems to evaluate you with your friend and since you are slightly better looking than him, you are compared favourably! (so perhaps you should be aware that when a better looking guy invites you to meet his girlfriend you must ask yourself whether the invitation was to just accompany him or be compared with him.)


A woman who sells herself for a fee is called a prostitute. That is how we go about giving names to professions. Does this mean that a person who sells wisdom should be called an intellectual prostitute?

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