Perhaps no one comprehends Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the ordeal of having to live life being infected, more than the prostitutes. Nevertheless, prostitutes live a life filled with risk in spite of the dangers, embarrassments and the humiliations of the job. Mere and more cash perhaps stimulate them to take up this perilous job.
But why the prostitutes - in fact most of us do exact that! We jeopardize our lives for mere and more cash. The construction workers who builds high rises, the soldiers who sign up for the frontiers, the office executive who keeps a highly profile stressful life and knows that this is harmful for his health - all accepts hazardous jobs in exchange for privileged salaries.
Both the prostitutes and the above set of people know what they are doing – a tough and dangerous job that offers financial compensation for doing it. They all have high negotiating powers, shrewd choices and looks at the world with a hard-hitting tougher view.
You may find this offensive, barmy, stupid, bizarre and perhaps ethically disintegrated, but this is a social problem.
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