Saturday, August 14, 2010


If you imagine that your corporate life is a lackluster one, that you are trapped in the domestic and employment rut, that you life is already under six feet of shit, you are not thinking anything new. A typical middle class family man who goes to office and comes back home, and is actually able to time the events of the day may not exactly be a person who has his life well under control. Some may term that life as a disciplined one; others may yearn for stimulation in their day to day life.

All this was depicted compactly in Pitfall, a 1948 classic movie, starring Dick Powell, who somewhat may remind us of our very own Balraj Sahni. Somewhere the film also gives a feeling of the typical American dream of chasing the materialistic life to sustain a middle class lifestyle, to procure love by bribing in the form of expensive gifts; by hinting that all is not quite as well as it looks, the unhappiness of a mundane, boring life which even the extravagance does not provide satisfaction.

The movie though was made in 1948, inadvertently indicated a façade of the American way of life, thoughts, economy which may have resulted in periodic recession that are being experience these days.

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