There was once upon a time some decades ago, no law for drinking. Drinking regulation was decided by the society, by what the families say, what the community say, what the religious leader say. Kids use to drink themselves silly (well you and I know {hic!} that this does not happen these days!). But seriously many kids did learn how to drink responsibly from an early age, even drinking at breakfast!
There is a national law in each country that prohibits the sale of liquor to anyone under the age of 18 or 21 depending on how developed and matured that country is. There are countries like Germany and Austria that allows even 16 years old to buy wine and beer. Meanwhile the police are busting up teen parties, rave parties, shutting down bars, intimidating restaurants, fining liquor shops and bullying people to live a life without liquor! We watch TV and read news and comment, “crazy kids, they shouldn’t be doing this!”
We see young people finding ways around these ridiculous restrictions that are hardly ever questioned, absorbing booze with contempt for the law and inspiring themselves with criminal thoughts while overindulging in drinking sessions.
Young people try about to beat the system by acquiring fake IDs, buying booze and entering restaurants and bars. It is not that the liquor store owners or restaurant and bar waiters or managers don’t know about these fake cards. The do know that students enter their premises with fake ID cards. They nevertheless pretend that these cards are real so as to give themselves some degree of legal protection if someone gets caught. The whole thing is a gargantuan sham. It’s a massively mass exercise in the open – hypocrisy - and everyone knows it.
Human beings are remarkable things: when they want to do something, no amount of tyranny, even that of jail can stop them. These goes especially for young people who as they approach the circumference of adulthood life start by rebelling against parents, authorities, systems and regulations.
Nonetheless we cannot silence the screams of the holy guys who advocate prohibition and sketch and connect every car accident among teen drivers to alcohol. Their propaganda blames alcohol for the destruction of family life, to the doggedness life of poverty, the high rate of crime, the crisis of illiteracy and the presence of sin in general. Whatever it may be, but their arguments are usually accepted even though it is a huge and erroneous mix up of cause and effect.
Is it true that liquor causes all these terrible things? Or is it that people who gets involved and exhibit in such terrible behaviors also have a tendency to drink? Abolishing or prohibiting drinks won’t solve or fix the problems of the human heart or his nature.
Thus this is so for teenage drinking. A report said that around two third people under the age of 21 have consumed some form of alcohol. This is obvious that the law is doing nothing except providing colossal excuse for illogical and atrocious police-state imposition on the liberty of human beings. This leads to young people socializing with hypocritical and law breaking section of the society. Its like – “the authorities pretend to regulate us and we pretend to be regulated.”
Still, shouldn't it be illegal for young people to drink and drive?
Only the obviously committed crime should be illegal and punished. Let us concentrate more on the act of crime and not outlaw alcohol. We then can also reduce crimes committed not under the influence of alcohol
Every year on Republic and Independence Day we hear our public speakers, including the politicians and those special TV commentators and anchors (with their judgmental views and opinions on practically everything) on the glory of India, our liberty and all the sacrifices that have been made to preserve it. Do we really believe it? Did our founders, establishers and liberators of our nation ever imagined that such a thing like a national law regulating the age at which beer, wine, port and other alcoholic beverages are to be consumed?
Do we really believe it? The founders would have never imagined such a thing as a national law regulating the age at which beer, wine, port, and other alcoholic beverages are consumed. Are we really serious about visualizing a free society? Or are we a nation of people who just utter words which are unsubstantial, rotten, hollow, trash and deceptive?
Shouldn’t we do something which is more practical and would have remarkable and immediate effects on our entire generation? Shouldn’t we go ahead and revoke the national minimum drinking age law and let the parents take up the responsibilities of their teenage sons and daughters?
Do you think this is unthinkable? If you so say so - then I really believe that you do not believe in human liberty!
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