Sunday, December 27, 2009

THINK _ MEDITATE _ READ [pense_méditer_lire]

Do not ask for the sun and the moon. Do no ask for the sky. Do no ask for lands, flats or bungalows. Do not ask for gods and the many prevalent rituals. Do not ask for your religion, caste or sect. Ask a basic question – ask for your rights as a man.


Its is essential that man reads the works of Sartre, Camus, Chekov, Aristotle, Schopenhaeur, Russel, Darwin, Hume, Dostoevsky, Maupassant, Balzac, Dickens, Kant, Rousseau, Tolstoy, Nietzche, Kierkegaard, Voltaire to name a few. They have boldly taken part in the affairs of human existence and has given leadership and guidance to people’s movement.


Most teachings are self centered. Teaching prophesizes that suffering is a result of one’s action in a previous birth. This thought is still prevalent in our country. In fact this philosophy is described as a great inheritance from our ancestors. In this environment and circumstances talking about intellectual freedom is as inhuman and anti-social as playing the fiddle while Rome was burning.

Man lived alone and was primitive. But when he began to live in groups and developed a society, certain restrictions were placed on him for the welfare of the group. Freedom was bridled. In any case walking in the middle of a street is not a freedom to walk anywhere one likes. There are inevitable limits to an individual’s freedom. There are exploiters who have used freedom as a duty or right to pursue their own selfish purposes.


It is a perennial struggle to provide expression to experience, life, suffering, to use the medium of words, to give some shape to the experience in the form of writing.
Writing sometimes act as an antenna of the society. One needs to understand and evaluate the events of life. Writing is like a weapon. It should give some stimulus, guidance and leadership to the aimless middle class.


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