When a king rules a kingdom, everyone has a dilemma. They crave for Democracy. Isn’t it better to be ruled by a solitary imbecile rather than 500+ imbeciles in a democratic environment? I don’t know. Do you?
When you start looking for something you tend to find it. So does this mean that if you start looking for god you may find him/her? Can I believe in this lie? Can I have selective perception? Will I ever know how much of everything is real and how much is fake? Haven’t we all been brainwashed by our religious leaders, our political leaders, our teachers, our parents, our philosophers, guides and friends? Hasn’t our belief systems made us all deaf, blind and dumb?
In spite of us being egotistical & egocentric buzzards, these queries have punctured my complacency. These questions are even more consistent and rigorous than I had imagined.
Every morning I wake up, I read the newspapers and I switch on the TV. I glance through the pages and the channels to see if there exist any reasons for optimism and hope. I read and see that the killings continue
How are we different from the animals? I was watching the Geographic Channel and understood that the leopard and other creatures mark their province with piss and excretion. We human beings too mark our terrain by the piss and excretion called ink on paper and ideology in our mind.
First I was a believer. Then I discarded this lie that god is someone who would through all eternity and infinity, continue to torture you if you don’t believe in his religion. I became an agnostic. I realized that an agnostic is a terrified atheist. I shredded off the terror and became an atheist. Today I have given up atheism too. Now it does not matter if one is a believer or and atheist. I have grown above that. If someone comments that he is a believer, my response is,” good for you”. If another provides clarification that he is an atheist, I retort,” good for you”.
If he poses me the question, what am I? I enlighten him,” Me? I am just an observer”. Today it sounds silly to me to get into this trifle issues like believers and atheism. Today it does not matter to me. Actually I don't care whether people are believers or athiests - I have stopped believing in these ‘isms’.
Don’t know after death where do all the Americans, Cubans, Naxals, Marxists, Maoists, congress men, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, Satanists, Carl Saganists, separatists, Scientologists, Addicts, Fanatics, Cell phone and net users and other classified Creepy and weird Dogmatists go. With all these freaks around – I can barely think straight. In any case the world would be or wouldn’t be a better place with EWD [Earth Without Dnn}_____ Who cares if you think straight or crooked?
Everybody who has ever been employed in a MNC will know that the corporation exploits. The religious systems exploit. The political system exploits. The education system exploits. All the systems that we have created - exploits. Exploitation is the most primitive natural human behaviour. It is like killing – another ancient natural human behaviour. We are no longer appalled and have become immune to seeing man killing man. History consist jam-packed stories of territorial invasion and annexation leading to war and killing human. Mind you-history is taught in schools!
All religion speaks about death during this life on earth. Most religion speaks of re-birth or reincarnation too. To be reincarnated, if there is any, one must die. But I wonder what dies? Does the false self confidence, poise, assurance, self-belief of man die? Does the self-love die? Is our ego obliterated?
I guess so, if a man dies and for heaven’s sake is not incarnated. Otherwise there is not much hope.
As a CEO I discovered that too much money was spent on wine, women and song last year. I promised the stock holders that an austerity drive would be adopted and a check done on such expenses, the current year. I vowed to cut down expenses on song.
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