There is an old saying, “The early bird catches the worm”. What makes you so sure you are the bird? You can turn out to be the worm too. Wouldn’t it be wise to stay late on bed and not be caught by the bird?
History and religious scriptures are both written by men. One is the truth, the other is the theology. History has not recorded anywhere at any time that a religion is based on rational foundation. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand on their own feet and face the unknown without help. It’s like dandruff. Most people have religion like they have dandruff and spend a considerable amount of time and money on it. They seem to get significant pleasure from fiddling with it.
“Learn from the experience of others.” I have heard this phrase before, so many times. My own experience is that we human beings scarcely learn from the experience of others. Whatever we learn, that is if we do think we learn or when we ever learn, which is not quite often; we learn on our own – the hard way.
One day I had a dream that the purpose of this cosmos is to have sex with the woman you love and make a baby with or without her consent. In my dream I could not make out any other purpose of this universe.
I would term it as platitude - the thought that more or less all sect, cult or religion will enact laws upon acquiring political power. The next step would be to asphyxiate disagreements; undermining and destabilizing all education; to confiscate the early minds of the young; driving underground, the people who have non-agreeable or different opinions; by locking up or by killing.
I have often heard the phrase, “It is better to be a living jackal than a dead lion.” How pleasant it would be to be a living lion!
I am learning not to teach the pigs to think. I am learning not to argue with pigs. It is a waste of time and it also infuriates the pigs. I am learning!
Only man can understand and solve the problems of mankind - Man must learn to rely upon himself.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Of Free Men, Government, Critics and Democracy
We have never understood why we human beings have a great capacity to swallow nonsense and then vomit it out aggressively and exploit it. Are we still the ignorant peasant with dung on our boots?
I am a free man.
When the government or any religious leaders embark on a mission and sends out a diktat that I should not read this book, I should not see this movie, I am prohibited to know certain things – you may be well assured that the final consequences are tyranny and an environment of totalitarianism and repression.
It does not matter how hallowed, or divine or righteous the intentions are. Very little force is required to control the mind of a man who has been deceived. On the other hand, no amount of force can control a man whose mind is free. No prison or guns can triumph over a free man.
The most you can do is kill me
I try to keep my mind open. It is a very difficult task. Deep inside I am hounded by this thought that if something has not happened yesterday does not mean that it will not happen tomorrow. Shutting my mind would be opening up this idea - that everything is impossible.
We human beings are mathematicians, scientist, Architects, Builders, Electricians, Gas Fitters, Plumbers, Scavengers, Accountants, Advocates, Statisticians, Teachers, Prostitutes, Dentist, Pharmacist, Musicians, Librarians, Salesman, Farmers, Fisherman, Day Labourers, Drivers, Construction workers, Policeman, Army Man, Managers, Technologist, Entrepreneurs…. And beggars. Some of us are even worse than animals.
Are all men equal? Can we believe in a theoretical theory that the Mathematicians and the beggars are equal? Does democracy work under this hypothesis?
I have never understood the role of critics. They are held in high esteem though. People follow their statements. They adopt their criticisms. They are swayed and influenced by the critics. They move about their lives as per the critics’ directives.
I have never understood why we listen to critics, who never created anything and feel competent to evaluate, review, or judge the work of creative men.
Maybe there is parasitical rationality in this chaos. At least he is impartial – He lives off creative people and hates all of them equally
I am a free man.
When the government or any religious leaders embark on a mission and sends out a diktat that I should not read this book, I should not see this movie, I am prohibited to know certain things – you may be well assured that the final consequences are tyranny and an environment of totalitarianism and repression.
It does not matter how hallowed, or divine or righteous the intentions are. Very little force is required to control the mind of a man who has been deceived. On the other hand, no amount of force can control a man whose mind is free. No prison or guns can triumph over a free man.
The most you can do is kill me
I try to keep my mind open. It is a very difficult task. Deep inside I am hounded by this thought that if something has not happened yesterday does not mean that it will not happen tomorrow. Shutting my mind would be opening up this idea - that everything is impossible.
We human beings are mathematicians, scientist, Architects, Builders, Electricians, Gas Fitters, Plumbers, Scavengers, Accountants, Advocates, Statisticians, Teachers, Prostitutes, Dentist, Pharmacist, Musicians, Librarians, Salesman, Farmers, Fisherman, Day Labourers, Drivers, Construction workers, Policeman, Army Man, Managers, Technologist, Entrepreneurs…. And beggars. Some of us are even worse than animals.
Are all men equal? Can we believe in a theoretical theory that the Mathematicians and the beggars are equal? Does democracy work under this hypothesis?
I have never understood the role of critics. They are held in high esteem though. People follow their statements. They adopt their criticisms. They are swayed and influenced by the critics. They move about their lives as per the critics’ directives.
I have never understood why we listen to critics, who never created anything and feel competent to evaluate, review, or judge the work of creative men.
Maybe there is parasitical rationality in this chaos. At least he is impartial – He lives off creative people and hates all of them equally
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Public Polices/Public Service/Public System
Burglaries happen. It is an everyday phenomenon. It happens somewhere at someone’s house everyday. Cash, Jewelry, Laptops, paintings, LCD TVs, antiques and other valuables get burgled. At times burglary happens in the dead of night, sometimes in broad daylight. Occasionally people get killed trying to protect what is really theirs.
We get revolted by this act of burglary. We find it difficult to comprehend, how these burglars could bring themselves to break into other peoples home and take away what did not belong to them. We ask, “How do they dare to do this? What makes them believe that they have the right to do this?”
This is a reasonable question. Why do these burglars essentially think that they have a right to do this? Maybe they know that they have no right to do this, but they do it anyway. Is it the desire for unearned things that has so much weight that they do not respect the properties of others? Perhaps they justify their act and blame society for this?
Why it is that burglars feel comfortable, taking the properties of others that they have not earned?
Drawing a similar line, the burglars are not much fundamentally different than most people in our society. Most of them take what does not belong to them. A person of the lowest order would believe that he is entitled to steal the property of other. Only the so called ‘law abiding member of the society would not accept such an act!
Let us presume that a person in the society formulates a well thought out feeling that some people do not have as much money as other people and that it would be good if they had more money than they do. A therapeutic treatment for this disease would be a proposal that we form a group of kind hearted patrons whose primary job would be to forcibly take other people’s money without their permission and give some of it to those they reckon to be in dire need. The group then would use the rest of the money (call it fund) as an entitlement, funding propaganda that tell the world what a great and marvelous job their group is doing, gradually building up a nice profitable little business empire for the staff in charge, who in turn becomes bandits, earning far beyond what they could have in other jobs, all the while being praised for their so called Public Service
Are the people fumingly mad or annoyed? Do they call the police to report this criminal racket? Do they call up their elected representative with calls/emails/blogs/tweeter and sms’ demanding that this monstrous group be clamped down? No, they don’t do that. In fact the reverse transpires. People actually fall in line to lend their support for this system. They exterminate all criticism and display their emotion that they really do care for the poor and the poorest of the poor (The new term for poverty).
Given this atmosphere, it is scarcely shocking that burglars are quite comfortable and have no fear or reservation about taking properties that do not belong to them. The reason is quite similar to the vast majority of people in our society who feel that they are privileged and entitled to the properties of other – WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY OF CRIMINALS.
But one can ask how could this be possibly right? Don’t most people act in accordance with the law? Don’t they fill up tax returns? Don’t they have driver’s license? Don’t they comply with environmental regulations, tax rules, and a host of other regulations?
Generally they do. But this is compliance with legislation and not to a compliance with law. It is merely a compliance of the diktat of the people in power.
Somewhere people do not believe in natural law: That he shall pay his debt, he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its rightful owner, he shall not injure another, he shall refrain from stealing, robbery, arson, murder or any other crime against the person or the property of another person.
The vast majority of people are supportive of criminal acts.
People express surprise and shock by the mentality of the so called common criminals, not realizing that the vast majority of the members of the society feel perfectly privileged to grab the properties of others. They demand that the property be taken away through the tax system and other heinously formulated public polices, or forcibly interfere through some routinely invented regulation.
The common justification for these acts under the so called Public Policies is that this is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE which has been expressed through the elected representative
People who disagree with this system are seen as uncharitable, dangerous, ideologist, radical activist and extremist.
In this pandemonium and madness, we forget that there is some difference between the common criminal and the not so very common criminal. The burglar does his own dirty work. He acquires the LCD TVs, the Laptops, the paintings, the cash, the jewelry and other valuable not through the so called Public Service/Public Policy/ Public System. He does not recruit the local politicians and bureaucrats to steal the property of others for his own use – he saves them the trouble and goes and acquires it himself.
While doing this himself, he does not have the back up to validate his actions. He does not have a democratic process, a political authorization, an endorsement or any other mandates.
So what is the meaning of the term “we live in a society of criminals”? It simply means that the vast majority of the people in our society support criminal acts committed against others. The so called law abiding citizens support robbery, assault, trespass and sometimes even murder when these acts are disguised in the name of Public Policies. It is pathetic and preposterous when we see the society scorning the common criminals and support the mass criminality.
It is a dismal environment when one becomes conscious that some members of the public may not have even realized the correlation between coercion and Public Policy and may not be aware between the policies and action of both these burglars and the Public Policy holders
We have not learnt the fact that ordinary people routinely support robbery and other crimes committed by the state but appear horrified and appalled when they watch the same crimes being committed by the common criminals.
We fail to realize the similarity between the Public Policies of the state and the acts of the common criminal. We fail to realize that support for Public Policies is actually a support for Crime.
What does deregulation actually mean? Is decentralization of power actually the breaking down of one big criminal group or agency into lots of smaller competing criminal agencies with the objective of indulging in small and competitive criminal activities so that they escape from the clutches altogether?
Can there be an absence of socially sanctioned theft, assault or robbery?
We get revolted by this act of burglary. We find it difficult to comprehend, how these burglars could bring themselves to break into other peoples home and take away what did not belong to them. We ask, “How do they dare to do this? What makes them believe that they have the right to do this?”
This is a reasonable question. Why do these burglars essentially think that they have a right to do this? Maybe they know that they have no right to do this, but they do it anyway. Is it the desire for unearned things that has so much weight that they do not respect the properties of others? Perhaps they justify their act and blame society for this?
Why it is that burglars feel comfortable, taking the properties of others that they have not earned?
Drawing a similar line, the burglars are not much fundamentally different than most people in our society. Most of them take what does not belong to them. A person of the lowest order would believe that he is entitled to steal the property of other. Only the so called ‘law abiding member of the society would not accept such an act!
Let us presume that a person in the society formulates a well thought out feeling that some people do not have as much money as other people and that it would be good if they had more money than they do. A therapeutic treatment for this disease would be a proposal that we form a group of kind hearted patrons whose primary job would be to forcibly take other people’s money without their permission and give some of it to those they reckon to be in dire need. The group then would use the rest of the money (call it fund) as an entitlement, funding propaganda that tell the world what a great and marvelous job their group is doing, gradually building up a nice profitable little business empire for the staff in charge, who in turn becomes bandits, earning far beyond what they could have in other jobs, all the while being praised for their so called Public Service
Are the people fumingly mad or annoyed? Do they call the police to report this criminal racket? Do they call up their elected representative with calls/emails/blogs/tweeter and sms’ demanding that this monstrous group be clamped down? No, they don’t do that. In fact the reverse transpires. People actually fall in line to lend their support for this system. They exterminate all criticism and display their emotion that they really do care for the poor and the poorest of the poor (The new term for poverty).
Given this atmosphere, it is scarcely shocking that burglars are quite comfortable and have no fear or reservation about taking properties that do not belong to them. The reason is quite similar to the vast majority of people in our society who feel that they are privileged and entitled to the properties of other – WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY OF CRIMINALS.
But one can ask how could this be possibly right? Don’t most people act in accordance with the law? Don’t they fill up tax returns? Don’t they have driver’s license? Don’t they comply with environmental regulations, tax rules, and a host of other regulations?
Generally they do. But this is compliance with legislation and not to a compliance with law. It is merely a compliance of the diktat of the people in power.
Somewhere people do not believe in natural law: That he shall pay his debt, he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its rightful owner, he shall not injure another, he shall refrain from stealing, robbery, arson, murder or any other crime against the person or the property of another person.
The vast majority of people are supportive of criminal acts.
People express surprise and shock by the mentality of the so called common criminals, not realizing that the vast majority of the members of the society feel perfectly privileged to grab the properties of others. They demand that the property be taken away through the tax system and other heinously formulated public polices, or forcibly interfere through some routinely invented regulation.
The common justification for these acts under the so called Public Policies is that this is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE which has been expressed through the elected representative
People who disagree with this system are seen as uncharitable, dangerous, ideologist, radical activist and extremist.
In this pandemonium and madness, we forget that there is some difference between the common criminal and the not so very common criminal. The burglar does his own dirty work. He acquires the LCD TVs, the Laptops, the paintings, the cash, the jewelry and other valuable not through the so called Public Service/Public Policy/ Public System. He does not recruit the local politicians and bureaucrats to steal the property of others for his own use – he saves them the trouble and goes and acquires it himself.
While doing this himself, he does not have the back up to validate his actions. He does not have a democratic process, a political authorization, an endorsement or any other mandates.
So what is the meaning of the term “we live in a society of criminals”? It simply means that the vast majority of the people in our society support criminal acts committed against others. The so called law abiding citizens support robbery, assault, trespass and sometimes even murder when these acts are disguised in the name of Public Policies. It is pathetic and preposterous when we see the society scorning the common criminals and support the mass criminality.
It is a dismal environment when one becomes conscious that some members of the public may not have even realized the correlation between coercion and Public Policy and may not be aware between the policies and action of both these burglars and the Public Policy holders
We have not learnt the fact that ordinary people routinely support robbery and other crimes committed by the state but appear horrified and appalled when they watch the same crimes being committed by the common criminals.
We fail to realize the similarity between the Public Policies of the state and the acts of the common criminal. We fail to realize that support for Public Policies is actually a support for Crime.
What does deregulation actually mean? Is decentralization of power actually the breaking down of one big criminal group or agency into lots of smaller competing criminal agencies with the objective of indulging in small and competitive criminal activities so that they escape from the clutches altogether?
Can there be an absence of socially sanctioned theft, assault or robbery?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Virginian
Seeing the IPL matches confirms my views that men think in herds; go mad in herds, and only recover their senses when they are once again alone
Once again in its own small way I have seen the power lust. A man can interfere with thoughtless and insensitive egoism in the lives of his fellowmen and play the part of fate, destiny or divine intervention for others
Passing though the seasons of The Virginian, I came to discover that in Season 5, Episode 19, The Modoc Kid introduced Harrison Ford. It also had John Saxon as the other Guest Star.
But what left an ineffaceable blot on me was the existence of James Drury on the screen. He plays the title role. As the Seasons and Episodes advanced, James Drury’s charisma began seeping with his serene-cool-calm-composed and collected presence.
For my records, his son is Timothy Drury who played with The Eagles and is presently associated with Whitesnake.
Once again in its own small way I have seen the power lust. A man can interfere with thoughtless and insensitive egoism in the lives of his fellowmen and play the part of fate, destiny or divine intervention for others
Passing though the seasons of The Virginian, I came to discover that in Season 5, Episode 19, The Modoc Kid introduced Harrison Ford. It also had John Saxon as the other Guest Star.
But what left an ineffaceable blot on me was the existence of James Drury on the screen. He plays the title role. As the Seasons and Episodes advanced, James Drury’s charisma began seeping with his serene-cool-calm-composed and collected presence.
For my records, his son is Timothy Drury who played with The Eagles and is presently associated with Whitesnake.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Recession and Fashion
I remember reading somewhere some fifteen or twenty years ago that IBM had this culture of ‘White Shirts’. Anyone found deviating a wee bit from ‘the colour white’ had to face the consequences of raised eyebrows. People at IBM would virtually look down on this poor fellow as if he had dressed up for a picnic.
Those were the days.
During the years, a conspicuous change happened in men’s dress style. With boom time, the dress sense changed. It became shabby. Workers thrived in wrinkles, T Shirts and Jeans. The guy with the shirt and an occasional tie was seen as a person attending someone’s wedding. We were encouraged to be ‘cool’. Even the billionaires looked like hobos.
The concept behind this ‘coolness’ of being shabbily dressed was to give the general notion that one really did not care what others thought. One oneself was the cutting edge, the idol demolisher, the slayer of conventions, a person who does not give a damn about what society thinks or how society judges. One’s value was one’s very own person, the fact of one’s existence on this planet. During the boom time the message of fashion was – Hey! It’s all about me guys!
Today all that has now come into question. How much value did this jean clad guys really add? How much of their coolness has evaporated? How much was illusion all along? Maybe all this hype about intellectual capital is nonsense.
Now with the downturn of economy, the sense of better fashion if one wants to survive, has once again come into being.
The free-fall economy means a boon for better fashion for men who intend to survive the onslaught.
"A suit has become something you wear when you're asking for money, monkey."
One’s clothes now need to generate a different message. Resources are few and hard to spare. Everyone wants to conserve. So the goal of one’s life too becomes different. One now is no longer permitted to pretend that one’s existence is a blessing to the world. Now one must add more value than one can take from it. The new motto now should be:
“I can add more value to the Organization than I can take from it”
In other words, “I am a willing sucker”
These days this is what every employer is seeking. It’s a dog eat dog world. A dog now has to stand out. The dog now must find ways to exhibit that it is not nonessential or dispensable and that tossing it out would do more harm to the company than good. The dog must now illustrate that the company would lose more revenue by kicking it out than by keeping it.
Employers think that clothing reflects one’s seriousness. Today dogs are under pressure to perform, to show that they are valuable, to demonstrate on sight that they are desirable commodities as workers.
Those were the days.
During the years, a conspicuous change happened in men’s dress style. With boom time, the dress sense changed. It became shabby. Workers thrived in wrinkles, T Shirts and Jeans. The guy with the shirt and an occasional tie was seen as a person attending someone’s wedding. We were encouraged to be ‘cool’. Even the billionaires looked like hobos.
The concept behind this ‘coolness’ of being shabbily dressed was to give the general notion that one really did not care what others thought. One oneself was the cutting edge, the idol demolisher, the slayer of conventions, a person who does not give a damn about what society thinks or how society judges. One’s value was one’s very own person, the fact of one’s existence on this planet. During the boom time the message of fashion was – Hey! It’s all about me guys!
Today all that has now come into question. How much value did this jean clad guys really add? How much of their coolness has evaporated? How much was illusion all along? Maybe all this hype about intellectual capital is nonsense.
Now with the downturn of economy, the sense of better fashion if one wants to survive, has once again come into being.
The free-fall economy means a boon for better fashion for men who intend to survive the onslaught.
"A suit has become something you wear when you're asking for money, monkey."
One’s clothes now need to generate a different message. Resources are few and hard to spare. Everyone wants to conserve. So the goal of one’s life too becomes different. One now is no longer permitted to pretend that one’s existence is a blessing to the world. Now one must add more value than one can take from it. The new motto now should be:
“I can add more value to the Organization than I can take from it”
In other words, “I am a willing sucker”
These days this is what every employer is seeking. It’s a dog eat dog world. A dog now has to stand out. The dog now must find ways to exhibit that it is not nonessential or dispensable and that tossing it out would do more harm to the company than good. The dog must now illustrate that the company would lose more revenue by kicking it out than by keeping it.
Employers think that clothing reflects one’s seriousness. Today dogs are under pressure to perform, to show that they are valuable, to demonstrate on sight that they are desirable commodities as workers.
Friday, September 17, 2010
We Still Annihilate
We give the impression that we are so bothered and flustered over our future when sometimes I think the future of the entire human is so uncertain. We depend on few intelligent men who drive this system and we suckle onto them. Technology may have improved our life style and our quality of life, but it has also brought its own set of threats.
If one could have traveled back in time, to the past, one would have seen that the earth was more or less the same - the same trees, the same rivers, the same mountains, the same human kind who use to destroy, kill, obliterate, exterminate, decimate, demolish, slaughter, massacre…….
Since time immemorial, over the centuries, we have not much developed ourselves. We still annihilate.
We won’t metamorphosis much in the future either.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
There are two kinds of people in this world - Intelligent people who have no religion and religious people who have no intelligence.
You can choose to live your life in either of the two ways –
1. Nothing is miracle
2. Everything is a miracle.
Sometimes it intrigues me how men want to go around with their thoughts trying to know more about the universe when it is quite a difficult task to go around the by lanes of a large city
I am also intrigued by the way we go around wasting our time in either attacking or defending god.
Knowledge creates problems, but ignorance does not solve any problems. We surrender to ignorance and call it god and this has always been a premature way of surviving. We are still surviving in a premature state.
We human beings have always excelled as makers of gods. It is one of the most important contributions in the world.
When you look after the poor, you are looked upon by this society as a good person. When you ask why the poor exist, you are looked upon as an atheist.
We should try hard to separate religion and politics. These two elements in our society have really screwed us. Perhaps if they are separated – we might progress a little.
I think we were all atheist when we were children. We then never had any idea of any gods.
Man will quarrel for religion, they will fight for it, even die for it – seldom would you see man living for it.
Often I have been told that a person who is religious, believes in a god and pray to her is happier than the person who is a non believer. I am trying to understand whether a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
All these holy men tell us to pray to the gods and the gods answers the prayers. I wonder if the frogs too think that when they croak, they bring spring with their croaking.
If you have delusions, you cannot have new thoughts. You must first remove your delusions from your head and then perhaps some new ideas can germinate
You can choose to live your life in either of the two ways –
1. Nothing is miracle
2. Everything is a miracle.
Sometimes it intrigues me how men want to go around with their thoughts trying to know more about the universe when it is quite a difficult task to go around the by lanes of a large city
I am also intrigued by the way we go around wasting our time in either attacking or defending god.
Knowledge creates problems, but ignorance does not solve any problems. We surrender to ignorance and call it god and this has always been a premature way of surviving. We are still surviving in a premature state.
We human beings have always excelled as makers of gods. It is one of the most important contributions in the world.
When you look after the poor, you are looked upon by this society as a good person. When you ask why the poor exist, you are looked upon as an atheist.
We should try hard to separate religion and politics. These two elements in our society have really screwed us. Perhaps if they are separated – we might progress a little.
I think we were all atheist when we were children. We then never had any idea of any gods.
Man will quarrel for religion, they will fight for it, even die for it – seldom would you see man living for it.
Often I have been told that a person who is religious, believes in a god and pray to her is happier than the person who is a non believer. I am trying to understand whether a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
All these holy men tell us to pray to the gods and the gods answers the prayers. I wonder if the frogs too think that when they croak, they bring spring with their croaking.
If you have delusions, you cannot have new thoughts. You must first remove your delusions from your head and then perhaps some new ideas can germinate
Monday, September 06, 2010
Fareed Zakaria’s GPS - Magnitsky & Browder
I was troubled, watching Fareed Zakaria’s GPS (Global Public Square) on CNN yesterday. He was interviewing Bill Browder the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the investment fund Hermitage Capital Management. Browder revealed how Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky who was a Russian attorney died in police custody generating international media attention and launching an investigation into allegations of abuse. Magnitsky, who had alleged wide-scale tax fraud sanctioned by officials before being himself arrested, died days before the one year limit that he could be held without trial would expire.
According to Browder, Magnitsky was an attorney representing his firm on charges off tax evasion and tax fraud. Browder was expelled from Russia as a national threat, though he indicated that the only threat he represented was "to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats", believing that the ouster was conducted to leave his company open for exploitation.
Magnitsky who had testified that police, members of the judiciary, tax officials, bankers and the Russian mafia had been involved in a $230m tax fraud against the Russian treasury, was illegally arrested and imprisoned in November 2008 after being accused of colluding with Hermitage.
During this time he was shifted very rapidly from one prison to another, and was deprived of even the basic amenities like water boiler. The authorities tried to break him physically and psychologically, but in a show of tremendous strength and integrity, he never cracked.
Held for 11 months without trial, he developed gall stones, Pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis, for which he was given inadequate medical treatment during his confinement.
Surgery was ordered in June, but never performed; a week before he was to be released if he were not brought to trial, he died for reasons attributed first by prison officials as a "rupture to the abdominal membrane" and later to heart attack. Browder says that it later was discovered that Magnitsky had complained of deteriorating stomach pain for five days before his death and that he was vomiting every three hours, with a visibly swollen stomach.
On the day of his death, the prison physician, believing he had a chronic disease, sent him by ambulance to a medical unit equipped to help him, but the surgeon there — who described Magnitsky as "agitated, trying to hide behind a bag and saying people were trying to kill him" — prescribed only a painkiller, leaving him for psychiatric evaluation. He was found dead in his cell a little over two hours later. He was 37 years old.
That is authority, corruption and power for us.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Can't be Independent
I guess I can never imagine myself to be independent, however much I may want to be. I may not want to have a social status and I may even want to remove myself from all those ordinary, boring, routine and dull circumstances, events or people, but eventually I find myself enslaved by the members of the society, in one form or the other.
I suppose, even the Prime Ministers, The Presidents, the Middle East Kings, the autocrats or the billionaires are the products of the ignorant, selfish, illiterate elements of the society. All of us are in slavery, the inferior as well as the superior. I am one of the consequences.
All religions are cruel. We all are aware that religions of our world have been established on blood. The foundation of religions is on the idea of sacrifice - sacrificing animals and human to obtain or attain divinity.
All religions, with their gods, their demigods, and their prophets, their messiahs and their saints, were created on the basis of naiveté of the human race. The human race then had not attained the full development and full possession of their faculties. (Not that I say that they have attained now!).
As a result, the religious heaven is nothing but a mirage in which man still lives by ignorance and faith, and somewhere tries to find his own image,
I suppose, even the Prime Ministers, The Presidents, the Middle East Kings, the autocrats or the billionaires are the products of the ignorant, selfish, illiterate elements of the society. All of us are in slavery, the inferior as well as the superior. I am one of the consequences.
All religions are cruel. We all are aware that religions of our world have been established on blood. The foundation of religions is on the idea of sacrifice - sacrificing animals and human to obtain or attain divinity.
All religions, with their gods, their demigods, and their prophets, their messiahs and their saints, were created on the basis of naiveté of the human race. The human race then had not attained the full development and full possession of their faculties. (Not that I say that they have attained now!).
As a result, the religious heaven is nothing but a mirage in which man still lives by ignorance and faith, and somewhere tries to find his own image,
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